I see vegan and animal welfare campaigner Kerry McCarthy is the new spokesperson for agriculture in the shadow cabinet in Britain, after being appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by Jeremy Corbyn. This follows his recent landslide victory in the Labour leadership contest.

McCarthy has been a vegan for over 20 years and a fierce critic of the livestock industry. She has campaigned to lower meat consumption for environmental and health reasons, as well as claiming feeding livestock food crops compromises food security.

No prizes for guessing she has also strongly opposed badger culling for bovine TB control in Britain.

Nevertheless, National Farmers’ Union president Meurig Raymond said that he looked forward to working with her in the new role. Other farmers were less welcoming, however. Mike King, vice chair of the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, said: “We feel this is a retrograde step.”

An ag spokesman who’s a vegan? That’s like a finance minister who hates money.