Sexed semen is the new “buzzword” around the calf ring, mart manager at Tullow Mart Eric Driver has said.

Speaking at a Teagasc dairy beef webinar on Tuesday night, Driver said the use of sexed semen in bringing more beef-bred calves to the market is noticeable, particularly last spring.

“It’s becoming the buzzword of the calf ring. Certainly, last year it was most noticeable and as we start this calving season, I think we will see it more evidently.

“We’ve seen more beef breeds, more Herefords and Angus, around the ring. I’m expecting to see the same [this calving season] from the conversations I’ve had with our dairy farmers,” he said.


On the commercial beef value (CBV) being displayed on mart boards, Driver said it is “a very positive step” for the beef industry.

“It’s a great way of the dairy industry showing what they are able to do and can bring to the marketplace,” he added.

Driver said the CBV, which only genotyped animals can have displayed on mart boards, is a ballpark tool for farmers buying calves.

“It gives him or her a window of opportunity [to see] what they may be going to achieve by buying this animal,” he said.

“It’s all about information and information unlocks so much in the industry,” Driver added.

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Getting ready for 100,000 calves a week being born on Irish farms

Could CBV be the game changer in dairy beef?