A new replacement index class sponsored by Munster AI was held at the Limerick Show on Sunday 23 August. The show is the first to have such a class and with a €1,000 prize fund, it was a huge attraction. Animals that were rated four- or five-star across breed in the new replacement index qualified for entry to this exciting new class.

A total of 100 pedigree animals qualified on the day; 70% of all the pedigree animals on show. This clearly demonstrates that in the pedigree population, there are plenty of bulls and dams of bulls capable of breeding high replacement index cattle that can win shows and look well for discerning buyers of stock.

Thirty cattle of all breeds entered the ring to be judged both on their visual appearance as well as their replacement index. Seamus Lynch was the judge and he examined each animal individually and placed the first 10 animals giving his reasons for doing so. Rosalish Goulding then added the replacement index value to the points Seamus had given each animal and the final 10 were placed. Interestingly, very little adjustment was made – all of the prize winners were five-star across breed. One can only look forward with anticipation to what can be achieved when these breeders embrace the new index and go on to breed exceptional cattle with a high index.

The aim of the new genomic breeding scheme, which was launched earlier this year and runs for six years, is to improve the profitability of the suckler herd by focusing on the cow. This index will result in a balanced suckler cow that is docile, has plenty of milk, is efficient and will deliver a good quality calf every 12 months. A requirement of the scheme is that herd owners need 20% of their females to reach four- or five-star in the replacement index by 2018 and 50% by 2020 to qualify.

Trait emphasis in the new replacement index

  • Calving traits: 16%
  • Docility: 4%
  • Beef traits: 21%
  • Feed intake: 18%
  • Milk: 18%
  • Fertility: 23%
  • The winner of the replacement class was owned by Dr Michael Sheahan, a medical GP in Tipperary town, and the benefits of breeding for the replacement index will certainly benefit this breeder. Michael was delighted with his winning heifer, Ellen Erica, a September 2014 heifer sired by the AI sire Friarstown Ideal Pete. This heifer also took the junior reserve Angus championship, judged by Shane McKiernan.

    In second place was Tom Staunton’s shorthorn heifer, Carambra Rothes Hottie, who later went on to be the overall shorthorn champion. Hottie from Kinvara, with a replacement index of 121 and five-star across breeds, was described on the day as a ‘‘perfect specimen of the breed’’.

    There is a real opportunity now for Irish breeders with their knowledge, stockmanship and ability to combine different matings, to embrace the genomic scheme and the power of the database to be world leaders in maternal genetics.

    This class embraced the future of Irish cattle breeding in one ring, breeders old and young with commitment, knowledge and excellent stockmanship skills, the power of the database and genomics in the laptop, the keen eye of the judge and the commercial beef farmers outside the ring looking at how their enterprises can be more profitable.