The finished lamb trade is holding steady, aided by reduced factory-fit lambs on offer. Fleshed lambs weighing 45kg to 50kg are selling from €90 to €95.

Small numbers of top-quality or butcher-type lambs are selling from €99 to €105 per head. There is a big differential in price between 45kg to 50kg lambs with a good cover of flesh to lighter lambs and, in particular, ram lambs lacking flesh, with 42kg to 44kg lambs selling from €82 to €85 per head.

Stores remain a vibrant trade. Scotch lambs are selling from €1.40/kg to €1.50/kg for 25kg to 30kg lambs, with 30kg upwards selling from €1.35/kg to €1.45/kg.

Average-quality hill crossbred lambs are selling from €1.60/kg to €1.80/kg, with the best-quality lambs to €2.10/kg.

Ewe lambs are, in cases, attracting a 10c to 15c/kg premium. 35kg to 40kg lowland store lambs are selling from €2.00/kg to €2.15/kg, with lighter lots selling to €2.25/kg.

Breeding sales are steady. Good-quality, large-framed hoggets are selling on average from €150 to €180 per head, with lighter and plainer quality back to €135 per head.

Second- and third-crop ewes are selling from €100 to €150, depending on size and condition. Slaughter-fit cull ewes are selling from €85 to €100 for large-framed ewes, with small numbers rising to €110 per head.

Light-carcase, fleshed ewes are selling from €50 to €60 for Scotch ewes and to €80 for crossbreds. Lowland feeding ewes are selling from €45 to €75.