The Irish Farmers Journal has received a number of phone calls from farmers who are concerned about the impact of the Revised Agricultural Vehicle Standards on older tractors and trailers.

Most of them are concerned about the law regarding the weight limit of an un-braked trailer. The law states that a trailer with no brakes cannot carry over 5t gross weight when travelling at speeds up to 40km/h.

Farmers who carry six or more silage bales at speeds of only 30km/h on older tractors and un-braked trailers may not be legal on the road as they are over the permitted weight limit.

The dilemma for these farmers is that the old 70hp tractor that tows this type of trailer was not designed to accommodate the brake servo system needed for modern trailer braking requirements. The trailer axle design was never intended for use with a braking system either.

A new axle at €1,000 will rectify the trailer and then the tractor needs modification also which may cost anywhere between €1,000 to €2,000.

In total, it may cost the farmers €3,000 to get compliance for a trailer and tractor.