There is no real change in the beef trade, with prices holding steady to last week. Heifers continue to attract firm competition, which was reflected in last week’s kill rising 300 head and contributing to the weekly kill increasing 741 head to 30,568.

Most heifers are moving at a base of €3.95/kg, although some plants continue to try to quote a lower base of €3.90/kg. Securing a higher base of €4.00/kg is reported as being more difficult, with only sellers with greater negotiating power or choice lots commanding a premium.

The base price for steers is unchanged, with the majority selling on a base of €3.80/kg. Sellers with Angus or Hereford lots are, in cases, negotiating 5c/kg extra, while, in some areas, there is slightly more life in the market, with regular sellers digging in and securing a base of €3.85/kg.

Flat-priced deals for quality-assured Angus and Hereford steers range from €3.75/kg to €3.85/kg, with heifers moving at a 10c/kg higher price range. Friesian steers are being offered a flat price, ranging from as low as €3.65/kg for plainer-quality steers or those over 30 months, with better-quality O=/+ grading lots under 30 months of age rising to €3.80/kg at the higher end of the market.

Many plants have adjusted their weekly kill profile to cater for one less day of processing, with no major change expected in throughput.

Producers with spring 2014-born cattle coming fit for slaughter should be mindful of cattle approaching the 30-month age limit.

Identifying these animals early can allow preferential treatment to be put in place so that animals are not deemed ineligible for the 12c/kg QPS bonus due to age.

Firm cow trade

The recent recovery in demand for cows is holding solid. P+3 grading cows are trading anywhere from €2.85/kg to €3.00/kg, with fleshed O grading Friesian cows from €2.95/kg to €3.10/kg.

Deals for mixed lots of O grading Friesian and suckler-bred cows are reported as rising to €3.15/kg to €3.20/kg at the higher end of the market. R grading cows are trading from €3.20/kg to €3.30/kg, with U grades to €3.40/kg in plants specialising in the cow trade.

The mart trade remains a good sales avenue for farmers with lower negotiating power, with agents very active for smaller entries on offer in recent weeks.

Bull trade

Bull throughput remains under 3,000 head. R grading continental bulls are trading in general from €3.75/kg at the lower end of the market to €3.85/kg at the higher end.

U grades under 450kg are selling from €3.85/kg to €3.90/kg, with some plants slower to quote for bulls with very heavy carcase weights.

The trade for Friesian bulls is variable, with very low numbers being traded. Prices range from €3.55/kg to €3.60/kg for plainer-quality bulls and lots traded in small quantities to €3.70/kg for higher-quality lots.

NI and GB trade

The British trade continues on an upward curve, with prices again rising by an average of 2p/kg to 3p/kg.

R4L steer and heifer prices are now approaching £3.50/kg or the equivalent of €4.38/kg including VAT, with the exchange rate just shy of 84p to the euro.

The northern trade remains robust. Quotes are unchanged in the main, ranging from £3.26/kg to £3.28/kg (€4.05/kg to €4.10/kg including VAT) for U-3 steers and heifers.

Like the trade in the south, heifers are in greater demand, with quotes into the mid- to late-30s reported at the top of the market for choice steers and heifers or large offerings.

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