Camera at the mart was at the general cattle sale on Tuesday last at Athenry Mart. Mart manager Alan Barry said that there was improved demand on the day for store types, but said that there was a stronger entry of more forward-type stores on the day.

There was a mixture of demand from farmers, feeders and northern buyers for the various types on the day.

There was an increased entry of cows on the same period last year. In total, there were 100 offered for sale, which were met with strong demand.

Alan said that there were several feeder and factory buyers present from the North, which helped to drive prices.

Good-quality store cows sold mainly from €1.70/kg to €1.80/kg for continental types, with short-keep types making from €1.80/kg to €1.90/kg. Prices of up to €1.95/kg were paid, but for slaughter-fit U grade types.

The store trade was said to be steady, with prices similar to last week. Forward stores sold mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.15/kg for average-quality types.

However, Alan said that demand for lighter stores was stronger and prices of €2.30/kg to €2.50/kg were freely paid for continentals from €400kg to 500kg.

Heifers were said to be a slightly improved trade on the previous week.

The strongest trade was for heifers from 400kg to 500kg. Several of these from 400kg to 450kg sold for as much as €1,100 or €2.40/kg to €2.60/kg. Farmer buyers were the main drivers of prices of store bullocks and heifers from 400kg to 500kg, while finishers were active for all short-keep types.

Commission rates are 1.75% to the seller and €9.25 to the buyer.