The strong trade continued, particularly for forward store and store bullocks at Balla mart on Saturday (today).

Again numbers were quite strong for the time of year, a trend which has continued in the past few weeks as strong prices attract sellers to the ringside.

Forward store bullocks were met with firm farmer demand, particularly for quality lots. Plainer type saw prices weaken, but only very slightly. Bullocks from 500kg to 600kg sold mainly from €700 to €1,000 with their weight, with most demand for top quality types. Lighter sores from 400kg to 500kg sold mainly from €600 to €700 along with their weight.

The heifer trade was strong, with farmers continuing to be very active for all good quality types.

Heifers from 500kg to 600kg that are short keep or factory fit were selling mainly from €800 to €900 along with their weight, lighter types from 400kg to 500kg sold mainly from €800 to €900 over.

An entry of Angus and Hereford heifers from the dairy herd were met with mixed demand, prices of these lesser types were weaker on the day with fewer buyers active for them.

Prices for light calves from 240kg to 260kg ranged mainly from €450 to €700 with quality having a major influence on price.