The mart trade continues be strong and steady. Numbers on offer are rising, with the best demand for forward and short keep types. Those suitable for a short-keep feed are reasonably scarce, and with strong feeder activity prices are on par with where they were this time last year for those types.

The store and weanling trade continue to be dominated by farmer demand. However, there has been some signs of renewed exporter activity for both weanling bulls and heifers.

The average 550kg store bullock is currently selling for €1,210/head with U grades making over €1,340/head. The heifer trade has been steady, in recent days some mart managers have pointed towards a slight increase in the demand for heifers.

The average 500kg heifer is making €1,000 to €1,100 with better-quality types making up to €1,300.

Lighter store heifers are steady also, with average quality types making from €2.15/kg to €2.30/kg, while U grades are making up to €2.50/kg.

Farmers and exporters are active for weanlings. Heavy bulls over 450kg are being snapped up by feeders at prices of €1,050 to €1,200. Lighter types from 300kg to 400kg are selling from €2.30/kg to €2.50/kg with the top third making from €2.70/kg to €2.91/kg. Light weanling bulls continue to be a very strong trade and are making from €2.50/kg to €2.60/kg, similar to last year.