Healthbytes: keep informed with the latest health news
Margaret Hawkins
Check out all the developments in the world of healthcare with this month’s Healthbytes, writes Margaret Hawkins.
3 April 2024 Living Life
Birds of a feather
Jim Wilson and Mark Carmody have had their eyes on Ireland’s bird population for years. Their new guide gives a wealth of information to help you achieve your birdwatching goals, writes Dee Laffan.
27 March 2024 Living Life
Living Life: read all about it
From nature and sport to magical creatures, bounce into the Easter break with eight wonderful new Irish children’s books to help make imaginations run wild, writes Grace Hanna.
How fast is your fashion?
Investing in your clothes, it’s not just the money spent, but how you care for them that makes them last. Laura De Barra has a plethora of practical tips in her new advice bible, writes Dee Laffan.
28 February 2024 Living Life
Darina Allen: new Ballymaloe Bread Book removes the mystery of making bread
There is a real possibility that once again every town and reasonably-sized village in Ireland could sustain a local bakery.
25 December 2023 News
'Dear Gay: Letters to the Gay Byrne Show'
A new book showcasing a curated collection of letters written to Gay Byrne's RTÉ1 radio show turns the spotlight on social issues faced by Irish people over decades through their personal stories
20 December 2023 Living Life
Images from a bygone era: Old Ireland in Colour
In their third instalment of Old Ireland in Colour, authors John Breslin and Sarah-Anne Buckley have once again breathed new life into more of Ireland’s photographic gems, writes Janine Kennedy.
6 December 2023 Books
Author Cecily Gilligan: ‘I love the stories of Ireland long ago'
Cecily Gilligan has been researching the rich world of Irish folk medicine for almost forty years, interviewing people around the country who possess these mystical cures.
15 November 2023 Features