Questions continue to arise about aspects of the action of mineral supplementation of ewes post-mating.

There have been some farmers enquiring if supplementation can take place in advance of mating to coincide with flushing ewes or if it needs to begin on the day rams are released.

Supplementation can commence in advance of mating and can tie in with other management practices.

For example, farmers can administer boluses or drenches two to three weeks in advance of mating when ewes are being offered access to better-quality grass.

The overriding rule states that supplementation must last from the day rams are released to at least 60 days later.

This means that if the supplementation route chosen does not last for the full 60 days, animals must receive repeat treatment at the required time frame to ensure there is no break in supplementation.

Farmers should note that combinations of supplementation may be used.


For example, a farmer could administer a bolus that lasts for 60 days five to 10 days pre-mating and introduce mineral licks from day 50 to 55 post-mating to ensure supplementation is provided for the full 60 days.

Remember that inspections are beginning in the coming weeks, so now is a good time to get paperwork up to speed on selected options.

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