Feed prices are holding relatively steady despite the downturn in weather forcing many farmers to house cattle earlier than planned.

Merchants report strong sales of meal but, with forward buying and the weakening of sterling in early September, there has been little change in ration prices. Dried barley is trading from £150/t to £154/t, while wheat prices are running about £10/t higher. Maize meal is moving at just over the £180/t mark. Soya hulls are moving at £148/t to £150/t. There is more movement in sugar beet pulp prices. Spot markets for sugar beet pulp are returning prices of £195/t to £200/t.

However, some merchants indicate prices could be £30/t lower when forward buying sugar beet from November on. Soya prices are still holding just below the £300/t mark with distillers steady from £175/t to £180/t.

Fertiliser price rise

Agri-merchants have indicated further price rises in nitrogen again this week with £235/t for CAN products, resulting in a price rise of £60/t in just over three weeks.