The deadline for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) has, as expected, being extended by two weeks to Friday 29 May 2015. The deadline for GLAS has been extended by three weeks to Friday 22 May.

Online applications for BPS have been running well ahead of last year. There have been 9,000 applications created (although not submitted) on the GLAS online system.

The danger now is that farmers will hear about the extension and put off applying for the scheme. They may leave the envelope on the mantelpiece for a quiet day.

However, 2015 is an important year to get your application right. Don’t leave it until the last minute.

Pay particular attention to the maps and eligible land. If ineligible land is mistakenly left in this year, it will be used to create entitlements.

Farmers may be penalised on inspection and could also lose the ability to claim all their entitlements in future years.

National Reserve

The deadline for priority categories in the National Reserve passed on 31 March.

Farmers who had started an online submission, but had not completed it, received a text on Monday to remind them.

There was a surge in applications online and also for paper applications where herd numbers applied for were not yet processed by the DVO.

The Department will continue to accept applications, but a 4% penalty will be applied on the value of entitlements paid in 2015 only. It will not affect payments in subsequent years.

While applications are being checked, it is only when the farmer submits his/her 2015 BPS application that the number of entitlements he/she will be granted will be processed.

Getting this in early will increase the chances of getting paid the 50% advance from 16 October.

Old young farmer

Applications for the old young farmer category have now opened. Young farmers who started farming from 1 October 2008 to 31 December 2009 and never got the installation aid are eligible to apply. The application for force majeure under the National Reserve and Scottish derogation will open shortly.