A focus farmer or a farmer who should be part of a focus group is someone who:

  • Is progressive thinking and open to change
  • Who will open their farm gate to the public
  • Is willing to share their experiences good and bad
  • Is willing to talk about their journey and help others to start theirs
  • What will the programme do for you as a Focus farmer?

  • Provide one-to-one intensive technical support
  • Jointly prepare a three-year plan for your business
  • Improve your farm performance and profitability
  • Improve your skills, knowledge and self-confidence
  • Develop a herd health plan and a grazing strategy
  • Introduce a challenge with targets to drive technical improvement
  • Who is it for?

    The Farm Profit Programme is for livestock farmers who want to make their business more profitable. There are six programme focus farms (intensive three year technical advice service) and eight programme focus groups (made up of 10 to 15 like-minded peers; similar businesses, similar goals)

    What will it deliver for focus farms?

    It will offer six livestock farmers a three-year farm plan and intensive technical advice service all the way through the implementation of that plan. Targets will be agreed and actions taken to achieve them.

    What will it deliver for focus groups

    Eight focus groups with 10 to 15 like-minded farmers will be established. These farmers will focus on their system, their business and the delivery and implementation of technical advice relevant to their farms.

    Where can farmers get technical information

    Available online at www.farmersjournal.co.uk and in print on a quarterly basis, the journey of the focus farmers and the focus groups will be shared for all farmers to access.

    What farm systems will it deliver for?

    The Farm Profit Programme will focus on livestock farms. We welcome beef, sheep and mixed farmers to become programme focus farmers.

    We welcome like-minded sheep, beef (breeders and finishers), mixed farmers and part-time farmers to participate in farm profit focus groups.

    When will this happen?

    Interested farmers or those who wish to nominate another farmer should contact ANM Group auctioneers and fieldsmen.

    For the focus farmers there will be a lead-in phase. It will involve getting to know you and your system, benchmarking, soil sampling, herd health planning, getting a handle on your breeding plan and your grassland management. Your three-year farm plan will start for the calendar year of 2017. Focus groups will be brought together in the autumn.

    Where will it take place?

    The Farm Profit Programme will operate in ANM Group’s trading region from Caithness to Angus. What we learn from the Farm Profit Programme will be shared both online and in print and will be available to farmers everywhere.

    Why are we delivering this programme?

    Working with our members in 2014 we learned that there is an appetite for a new approach to how our co-op can help your business especially given the impact of CAP changes. The BETTER farm Programme in Ireland is a model which we want to replicate. The Farmers Journal and its specialist team has a proven track record in delivering on these programmes and together we will deliver the Farm Profit Programme.

    Contact any ANM auctioneer or fieldsmen to get involved. Call 01 467 623752 or email info@anmgroup.co.uk