Fertilizer prices continue to edge upwards. There is still some urea around at the €400 mark, but it is getting harder to source, with up to €420/t being asked in some areas.

CAN is now costing €325 to €340/t at retail level. Current imported wholesale price for CAN has crept up to €275 to €280/t CIF, which puts the retail price over €340/t for product currently being purchased.

The strengthening dollar is also affecting DAP prices in particular. High Ns are currently being bought at €425 to €440/t. Some buyers are selling 24:2.2:4.4 at €370 to €390/t as a cheaper alternative to 24:2.5:5, but make sure you compare prices on a nutrient basis rather than just price. 18:6:12 is making €420 to €440/t. Farmers who are able to take full loads or split loads between neighbours can get up to €8/t off the quoted prices.