We are very clear that farmers need a strong, articulate and committed IFA that is focused on advancing the betterment of Irish farmers. It is for this reason that while the Irish Farmers Journal will continue to present the facts surrounding the current disgraceful situation, we will unashamedly highlight the importance of having a well-governed farm organisation to represent the interests of farmers. Readers of the Irish Farmers Journal are those farmers and we stand with them as their organisation faces its biggest challenge. We do so because the IFA is not a single general secretary, president or even executive council. The IFA is the farmer who gets up to calve the cow, lamb the ewe and harvest the crops.

From a financial perspective, we contribute towards the cost of a range of services provided to us by the IFA including access to their Brussels office, articles, commodity surveys and economic research. We feel that the content we receive is valuable to our readers. Over the past three years this payment has averaged €143,000 per annum. Either party is free to terminate this relationship at any time.

Read more

More background on the relationship between the IFA and the Irish Farmers Journal in this week’s “Dempsey at large” column

Editorial: IFA face biggest fight in its 60-year history

Full coverage: Turmoil at the IFA