Substantial factory cuts are being reflected in mart sales, with hoggets and lambs coming under additional pressure since last week.

Prices have fallen by €7 to €10 per head on average, with agents curtailed in prices they are willing to pay.

Sales held at the start of the week recorded lambs weighing 45kg to 48kg selling on average from €115 to €123 for good-quality lots, with a small number of top-quality lots weighing up to 50kg attracting butcher interest and securing a €2 to €5 premium.

Lighter lots weighing 42kg to 45kg are selling from €104 to €112, with quality having a big influence on price.

Hogget prices are also struggling. Factory lots weighing 50kg to 55kg are selling from €100 to €110 on average, with sluggish demand for very heavy lots weighing 60kg and higher.

Ewe hoggets are meeting firm demand for breeding-quality lots, with good-quality types selling to €130.

At the top of the market, there are select lots selling to €150 or higher.

Demand has dipped for store hoggets, which are selling from €70 to €100.

There is continued demand for ewes with lambs at foot. Quality is variable and, as such, this is leading to a big range in prices paid.

Aged and crossbred lots with single lambs are starting at €100 to €130 for poor-quality lots and rising to €180 to €200 for young ewes and strong lambs. Likewise, twin-lamb lots range from €170 to €260 on average.

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