IFAC Accountants has recruited 39 people so far in 2016 and 25 of these positions were newly created while the rest were replacement roles. Twenty-two of these roles were in Leinster, 11 were in Munster and six were in Connacht. The roles included qualified accountants, trainee accountants, secretaries, bookkeepers, students and casual roles and a tax specialist.

In addition to the 39 positions already created in 2016, IFAC currently has two vacancies for qualified accountants in Enniscorthy and Cavan and another vacancy for a part-time qualified accountant in Cahir.

IFAC expects to take on 20 employees in 2017, 10 of whom will be trainee accountants.

IFAC employs 184 people altogether.

Grant Thornton takes on 10 ag graduates on an annualised basis across the island of Ireland. Grant Thornton is looking to increase these numbers in the future, tracking the progress of the economy.

FBD expects to hire about 50 people during 2017 in a variety of roles – mainly for core technical insurance roles and sales, and in customer support areas. These roles will be for both new positions and to replace normal employee turnover.

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Special focus: agri careers