He said the scheme is a "key support measure" that enables farmers to "avail of the growing market opportunities that clearly exist for organic food. My job is to encourage farmers to avail of these opportunities and by doing so, maximise their potential income."

The new scheme offers significantly increased rates of aid to organic farmers, both in conversion and when fully established.

Farmers enter into a contract for a minimum of five years, with standard rate payments of up to €220 per hectare a year during the conversion period and up to €170 per hectare when they have achieved full organic status. Higher payment rates are available for organic horticultural and tillage farmers.

The minister also reminded organic farmers that they also qualify for priority access into GLAS, the new agri-environment scheme.

Applications for the scheme have to be made online but the minister said there will be "no requirement to use an Agricultural Advisor to make the applications."

Closing date for applications will be 29 May, 2015 and decisions would be made at that stage on the number of applicants that will be accepted into the scheme.

Read more: Looking at GLAS through the Organic Scheme