All calves born up to the end of 2016 have now passed the minimum five months of age mark to record data under the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP).

Required records at this stage include calf quality and docility, while if not already recorded, details must be submitted on birth size, vigour at birth and the incidence of scour and pneumonia.

In terms of recording data like calf quality or docility for example, the ICBF advises farmers that animals should be compared with other animals within the herd and not the wider population of animals.

This, it says, is important to get an accurate picture of any variation between animals. The same should be applied when recording cow traits, such as milk scores and docility. The ICBF advises that all animals should not be given the same score or rated the same under any one parameter.

Recording data

Data can be recorded online or through postal survey forms. The ICBF advises farmers to record data online, as it is quick to submit, cuts down on postage costs and also allows farmers to view previously submitted data and highlights any outstanding data.

Farmers can access data through the free online portals of and or through farm software packages.

Those who wish can still record data through postal survey forms, which will be sent as data is required.

A few queries have been received on whether autumn-born calves can be traded before data is submitted through postal forms.

There is no restrictions on trading animals and data can be recorded at a later stage if required.

In this case, it is advisable to maintain a written record which can be transferred to survey forms at a later stage.

Alternatively, farmers can also seek to receive a postal survey form before normal distribution if they wish or they can contact the ICBF to get login details to their account. This can be done by emailing or by calling 1850 625 626.