Forcing lambs to graze out paddocks with lesser quality grass will significantly affect liveweight gain. The height at which lambs are removed from paddocks depends on the quality of the sward present.

For example, where lambs are grazing fresh aftergrass swards, there will be no problem grazing down to 4cm or 5cm – with quality generally being good right down to the base of the sward. In contrast, where swards have not being grazed tight in previous grazings, lambs may need to be moved on once the sward has been grazed to 6cm or 7cm, with weaned ewes used to graze out the sward. Alternatively, swards can be topped to improve the quality of regrowth.

Mineral supplementation

Many hill sheep farmers selecting the measure of mineral supplementation of lambs pre weaning are currently treating lambs. Farmers need to ensure that the mineral supplement being used is licensed for use in Ireland and that the product used is listed as covering the required timeframe.

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Watch: Kildare farmer tackling Teagasc Grass10 challenge

Sheep management: grass growth

Sheep management: worm control in dogs