“Sonnstagblick” published details of its investigation into “Carna Grisha” - one of Switzerland’s top five meat supply companies - over the weekend.

The newspaper alleges that there have been a number of irregularities at the company since 2004 including:

  • Hungarian chicken being sold as premium Swiss chicken
  • Frozen pork that had been thawed being sold as “fresh”
  • Steak being sold with false expiration dates
  • Horse meat being sold as beef
  • Documents

    The newspaper says that the above allegations are just a small selection from the documents it has seen.

    Responding to the allegations, the company initially denied them and tried to obtain a court preventing the publication of them.

    However, a judge said it was a in the public interested to publish the details of the allegations contained in the documents.

    According to the Swiss newspaper, Carna Grisha employs 60 people and has annual sales of CHF 30m (€2.49m).

    A number of businesses which receive meat from the company are understood to have cancelled their contracts with it as a result of the allegations.