Better weather:

Let’s hope that those recent hot and sunny days came in time to ward off the risks of a major ear blight attack. High temperatures speed up flowering and faster flowering should help to reduce infection risk.

A few winter barley crops have begun to show patchiness arising from the previous dry spell, as patches begin to burn in early in some crops. Early crops are now turning. Growers have reason to be hopeful of the prospects from winter crops providing grain fill can progress to its maximum. Oilseed rape looks particularly good this year also.

There has been some lodging and tossing in winter barley crops and a little bit in oats also. Tossed barley could do without any further spills of rain, but these are forecasted. However, if we can manage to avoid ear blight, slow grain fill could be a bonus.

Keep an eye out for aphids in wheat heads and also for pollen beetle on spring rape. Numbers need to be watched, but insecticide should not be used lightly. Avoid periods of bee activity if spraying is essential.

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