Camera at the mart was at Friday’s special Fatstock show and sale at Roscrea Mart. There was a strong entry of fat heifers and cows on the day, which were met with firm demand. In-spec stock attracted a price premium, but heavy older heifers were also in strong demand.

There were a number of butchers active on the day for heavy heifers, Angus and Herefords. Fleshed continental heifers sold for between €2.10/kg and €2.30/kg, with top quality heifers selling for over €2.50/kg. Traditional breeds sold for between €2.05/kg and €2.15/kg.

There were approximately 140 fat cows on offer and they were met with keen demand from factory agents. Quality, heavy continental cows sold for between €1.70/kg and €1.80/kg. Top quality and some lighter types sold for €1.80/kg to €1.95/kg.

There were some Friesian types on offer, but these were mainly feeding types, which sold for between €1.15/kg and €1.40/kg. Fleshed and short keep Friesian cull cows sold for €1.40/kg to €1.60/kg.

Lighter weanling bulls from 300kg to 400kg were a solid trade and sold mainly for €2.00/kg to €2.30/kg. However, heavier bulls over 425kg were harder to sell on the day and average prices ran from €1.90/kg to €2.10/kg. Commission rates are €9 to the buyer and €10 to €15 to the seller depending on value.