Calf buyers in Bandon Mart were able to see the breed of cow the calf is from, as that data is now displayed on the mart board.

Mart manager Sean Dennehy reported that calf buyers were happy to see this information now available to them.

In terms of the trade, calf numbers were similar to last week, with 625 going through the ring, but numbers were up on the corresponding sale in 2021.

There was an even-enough split between Friesians and beef breeds this week.

Little shipping trade

There’s very little activity yet in terms of the shipping trade, but lighter export-type calves were making between €30 and €65.

Prices for the main body of Friesian bull calves ran from €30 to €95. Stronger bull calves were scarce, with a share of them making up to €160, with a top price of €200.

There was a small number of Friesian bulls that sold for under €30. These mainly had Jersey breeding in their background.

Beef breeds

Beef calves were probably the main area where it was an advantage to have the dam breed available to see.

Calves from Jersey- and Friesian-cross cow herds rarely exceeded €200 and were more in line with the top end of the Friesian bull calves.

There was a good share on offer from Friesian-based dairy herds and these traditional beef-cross calves met good demand, with €180 to €280 the final price on the majority of those on offer across both bulls and heifers.

Top end

At the top end of the sale, there was some exceptional Angus and Hereford calves aged under six weeks that sold from €300/head up to €380/head.

There was a small number that sold below that price range and they were generally a lighter type of calf. Supply of those crosses is helping keep prices at a high level for them.

Continental calves were a bit harder to find in the yard this week, but, as ever, performed well in the ring.

Both bull and heifer continental calves from Friesian herds sold for between €300/head and €440/head.

Exceptional calves with Jersey- or Friesian-cross dams broke the €300 mark on an odd occasion, but for the most part sold for between €150 and €280.

In pictures

These one-month-old bull calves averaged €95 each.

Almost one month old, this group of heifer calves averaged €210 apiece.

These one-month-old bull calves made €305 each.

At 24 days old, this pair of bull calves averaged €60 each.

This pair of one-month-old heifer calves made €425 each.

This group of six-week-old bull calves averaged €95 each.

This pair of three-week-old heifer calves made €230 each.

This pair of five-week-old heifer calves made €325 each.

This group of five-week-old Angus heifers made €190 each.

These heifer calves were almost three weeks of age and sold for €195 each.

This pair of 18-day-old calves made €30 each.

These one-month-old Hereford bull averaged €380 each.

From Jersey-cross cows, these three-week-old continental-cross heifers made €160 each.

Almost three weeks of age, these bull calves averaged €35 each.

These three-week-old bull calves made an average of €30 each.

A pair of two-month-old bull calves that made €65 each.