Having been granted operational parity with the horse racing industry at the end of last year, the sport horse industry has not been completely shut down in this lockdown, as it was last time. Here is a rundown of what can and can’t go ahead.
Under Level 5 restrictions, elite sportspeople can continue with their training. In consultation with Department of Agriculture, Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) will have the sole authority to approve competition and training events which are applied for by a recognised affiliate body, subject to a risk assessment and Covid-19 protocols.
Events taking place under Level 5 restrictions should focus on catering for professional athletes and producers, high performance athletes and individuals who participate within professional competition. No amateur competitions or classes and no youth competitions (U18) or classes are permitted at present.
Under Level 5, only events that are authorised through a HSI affiliate and HSI are deemed to be authorised events. Training events must be affiliated and applied for through the HSI approval system. Also under Level 5, no group training for adults or U18s is permitted. Indoor and outdoor training is limited to being on an individual basis only.