The one millionth calf of the year is set to be born this week, with over 856,000 calves registered up to the week ending 4 March 2022.

Calf registrations lag slightly behind births, as there is a 28 day period in which farmers can register calf births.

Registrations are currently running over 3,000 ahead of the same time last year.

Within this figure, registrations from the dairy herd are running almost 9,000 head or 1.2% ahead of the same point last year at a total of 739,408 and account for more than 86% of total calf registrations to date this year.


Beef calf registrations are down more than 5,000 head on the same time period last year, although this figure is likely to be smaller once all calves are registered in the coming weeks.

It brings the total beef registrations to 117,470.

Pedigree registrations are running on par to last year’s figures, with 47,750 births currently registered.