Fifteen farmers told to destroy ragwort
Anne O'Donoghue
Under the Noxious Weeds Act 1936, it is an offence for landowners and occupiers not to prevent the spread of the weeds specified in the act.
14 August 2024 Farmer Writes
Farmer Writes: ragwort thriving in this weather
They say a woman’s prerogative is to change her mind and that certainly is the case with myself at times, writes Karen McCabe.
6 August 2024 News
Roadside ragwort – who is responsible for controlling it?
A single plant can produce 50,000 to 200,000 seeds over a four- to six-week period, heightening the importance of addressing issues in good time.
Over half of ragwort complaints relate to farmland
According to the Department of Agriculture, in the period from 2014 to 2023, a total 198 complaints were made about noxious weeds.
6 August 2024 News
Southwest herd loses two bullocks and a heifer to ragwort
Limerick regional veterinary lab reported that a herd submitted a number of animals in May 2023.
27 July 2024 News
Ragwort poisoning on the rise, warns AFBI
The plant is dangerous to livestock especially in ensiled grass or hay crops.
24 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Soil temperatures and growth set to kick in to gear
After many months of lacklustre growth and waterlogged ground, the tide seems to have finally turned.