Dairy Trends: prices fall sharply as volatility bites
Aidan Brennan
Powders took a big hit this week on the European spot market, despite sluggish supply forecasts from Europe and the US.
20 March 2024 Viewpoints
Putting a sustainable tillage production system in place
The increasing risk of disruptive climatic conditions and price volatility has highlighted the need for some kind of income stabilisation scheme.
25 February 2024 Pigs
The fall and rise of the Irish pig sector
Over the last three years, the Irish pig sector has experienced the full gamut of global shocks, ranging from weather events to the outbreak of war, writes Michael McKeon, Teagasc Moorepark.
Report recommends more milk price volatility tools for farmers
The recommendation came in a report on the EU’s dairy sector post-quotas, which was commissioned by the European Parliament’s committee on agriculture.
1 January 2024 News