1. Love yourself

If you are living alone, I admire you and am inspired by you, because you are confident, independent and strong. To live alone well in these times, it’s good to become your own best friend.

Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. Forgive yourself for mistakes or weaknesses. After all, these are human traits and we are human. Avoid comparing yourself to others, as this is being unfair to you.

2. Trust

Trust that a force for good is looking after us all at this time. Every morning, be thankful for the gift of another day and ask for help to get through this day. Every night, be thankful that you have lived another day and ask for continued help.

3. Believe in you

If you really want to become something or do something, and you believe you can, then you are right. You’ve got to believe in your own power.

One way to strengthen your self-belief is to constantly affirm yourself; that is, to repeat powerful, positive phrases to yourself until they become embedded in your mind and eventually become your belief.

For example, “I am confident, independent and strong” or do this for some other qualities that you want.

4. Enjoy the little things

Focus on life’s pleasures to get you through the day – good health, sunshine, birds singing, plants flowering, a place to call home, clean air, adequate water, enough money for expenses, happy memories and many others.

A good way to cheer yourself up is to write a gratitude diary. This can be a notebook where you write all the things for which you are grateful. The more you write into this notebook, the happier you will feel.

5. Connect with somebody everyday

Maybe phone a friend, check how this person is coping. Offer a listening ear, share a kind word, a happy memory or a joke. Above all, share good news.

Allow someone to help you. If you need help, ask for the help you need. You can ask a neighbour, friend, relative, ring your local family resource centre, family life centre or your local community response forum.

Perhaps write a letter or a greeting card, even send a small gift in the post. Doing one of those things can brighten another person’s day and can brighten yours in the process.

6. Do something you love doing

This helps you feel good and is good for your immunity. What do you love doing? Art, craft, singing, music, dance, own a pet, gardening, reading, writing, yoga, Pilates, mindfulness, puzzles or maybe something else.

We are all unique and it’s important to know what you love.

7. If in ‘reverse mode’

What I mean by ‘reverse mode’ is having very little to do while having a lot of time, but actually getting nothing done during this time. It can help to make a to-do list.

Before going to bed at night, list all the tasks you want to accomplish the next day. No matter how small these are, write them on your list.

Once you have a task complete, draw a line through it. Enjoy the satisfaction this brings as you cross through items on your list.

8. What opportunity does this hold for you?

Every time you do something new, you grow and develop as a person. Is there a little idea that keeps popping up in your mind and won’t go away? Now may be the time to work on this idea.

Is there something you’ve kept putting off? A conversation you need to have? Do you need to forgive someone for a wrong done in the past?

Do you need to engage more with technology in order to communicate better?

The opportunity of a lifetime must be taken during the lifetime of the opportunity. However, it is not necessary to be doing it all the time. We are actually human beings, not human doers. At times, it is good to just sit and be still.

9. A word of caution

Technology is great, but be careful about the amount of time you spend on technology. Spending too long on screens can drain your energy and leave you feeling dissatisfied, as it creates an imbalance in your body – too much mental activity and not enough physical activity.

This can interfere with sleeping patterns and is not good for either mental or physical health.

To redress this balance, make sure to go outside daily for exercise and to see some new sights.

If you are self-isolating, open your windows and door for some fresh air, look out at the birds and bees. Nature is a great stress reliever.

10. Commitments

Making and renewing these five commitments daily can help you keep positive, focused and strong:

  • 1. I will not feel sorry for myself.
  • 2. I will not dwell for too long on what was in the past.
  • 3. I will go deep inside myself to source all the courage I need.
  • 4. I will direct my thoughts. My thoughts will not direct me.
  • 5. I will choose to believe that all things work together for good.
  • Wishing you the strength to keep up the social distancing, hand hygiene and stay well. Have a good week.

    The Possibility Illuminators may be contacted by email at thepossibilityilluminators@gmail.com or by phone on 085-816 9948.

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