"The inequality is there for all to see, the top 1.3% of EU farmers swallow 23% of direct payments," Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus has said.

Sinn Féin highlights that nearly 50% of all EU farmers combined receive less than one-quarter of what the top 1.3% receive in direct payments, as per 2018 figures.

MacManus said: “Every new CAP has been marked by the notable decline in EU farmers, between 2005 and 2015 we lost four million. This is due to small farmers being forced to abandon the land as it becomes chronically unprofitable.

“This land is then being purchased by the big enterprises, resulting in rapid consolidation.

"This trend is only going one way and we must do more to help those small farmers hold on and increase their share of CAP funds.”

Unfair skew

Sinn Féin has reiterated its commitment to seeking fairness in the rebalancing of CAP.

MacManus continued: “In the negotiations, we are looking at ways to identify big enterprises, those who operate under the radar by registering for financial supports under multiple individual beneficiaries.

“I believe the current distribution, which is heavily skewed towards big business, has the potential to damage the reputation of the CAP among EU consumers, who understand the value to rural Ireland of having our network of small to medium family farms.”