Less than 100 farmers gained access to the National Reserve last year, according to figures obtained by Farmers Journal Scotland.

This is down from 200 businesses in 2016 and 691 successful national reserve applicants in 2015.

Most of the payments last year were for region one ground. There was a dramatic fall in region two ground paid, from 27% to 7% of land claimed.

The farmers shared a total of €388,114 in national reserve payments last year, which was down from a high of €4,607,434.22 in 2015.

The national reserve provides support payments for new and young farmers. To be defined as a new entrant you must have started an agricultural activity in 2013 or later and have not had activity in your own name, or at your own risk in the five years preceding the start of the activity. To be a young farmer you must be under 41 years of age on 31 December of the year you apply and becoming head of the agricultural holding for the first time.