Five maintenance jobs for cattle housing in late summer
Kieran Mailey
While there will be plenty of field work to complete in summer, there are a few jobs that may need sorting in the yard around cattle housing. Outlined are a few examples.
26 July 2024 News
Ancient DNA indicates brucellosis evolved with farming
Research has found that brucellosis may have evolved due to early livestock farmers mixing stock and the pathogen circulated throughout herds.
26 July 2024 News
Irish veterinary students awarded veterinary fellowship
The students will look into animal stress intervention methods over the course of the project, to try and enhance animal welfare and promote sustainable animal production.
MTU researchers take on project to reduce fossil-based fertiliser use
The ReNu2Cycle project will examine impacts on availability, ecological footprint, supply chain and price stability via the use of recycled Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium fertiliser.
26 July 2024 News
Farm Safety Week: one lungful of slurry gas has the capacity to kill
Both stacking bales and slurry gas are lethal on farms and individuals must take safety guidelines into consideration.
26 July 2024 News
Weekend weather: Highs of 22°C with some showers
Met Éireann has said that there will be a combination of sunny spells along with scattered showers in certain places over the weekend.
26 July 2024 News
Straw scheme U-turn and new €175/ha baling payment
An agreement has been reached between the farm organisations and the Minister for Agriculture on straw incorporation.
25 July 2024 News
Farm Safety Week: elderly and children make up 55% of farm fatalities
Farmers must take particular care with older people and children on farms as they collectively account for 55% of farm fatalities.
25 July 2024 News
Fresh concern over rewetting targets for Irish farmland
Rehabilitation works completed before Ireland enacts the Nature Restoration Law will not qualify for Ireland's restoration and rewetting targets. Declan O'Brien and Noel Bardon report.
24 July 2024 News
DAERA consider on-off slurry ban
A 37-point action plan to improve water quality was published by the department last week after receiving approval by ministers in the NI Executive
24 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Katherine O'Leary: ensuring we have enough fodder for the winter
If farmers have patience and can keep it together, the change in the weather will come, the fodder will be saved and we will manage it all as we’ve done in previous difficult years.
24 July 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Regulator shows its teeth
The Agri-Food Regulator now knows what it must be like for farmers to deal with the retailers.
24 July 2024 Dealer