Materials Required

Piece of furniture you wish to stencil on; in this case, a chest of drawers

Sugar soap for cleaning

Stencil from

Child’s paint brush or foam brush for stencilling


Satinwood paint for overall colour; I used Colourtrend satin in “Blue Folly”

Satinwood paint for stencil detail; I used Colourtrend satin in “Porcelain Doll”

Paint brush

Sanding block, medium grade


Screwdriver to remove handles/hardware


  • 1 Clean down your piece of furniture with sugar soap. Remove any handles and hardware. Sand with the grain and a medium-grade sanding block (just enough to scuff the surface to allow the undercoat to stick onto the piece).
  • The chest of drawers before. \ Joanne Condon

  • 2 Paint the undercoat onto your piece. Don’t overload your brush with paint. Paint the awkward areas first and work your way around the piece. Leave to fully dry.
  • 3 With Satinwood paint, paint the piece. I used “Blue Folly” by Colourtrend. This will need two coats, allowing the paint to fully dry in between each coat.
  • 4 With this chest of drawers I laid it down on its back and positioned the stencil in place with Frogtape so that it wouldn’t move while stencilling.
  • There are many different stencils on the market now. \ Joanne Condon

  • 5 With the child’s paint brush, dab the brush onto the design in the stencil using “Porceline Doll” by Colourtrend. Make sure not to use a brush stroke motion as the bristles may go underneath the stencil and you will be left with an uneven design.
  • 6 Peel back the stencil straight away and work on the next section.
  • 7 When the paint is fully dry, pop back on the handles or add new ones.