Germany – September milk production flat

German milk collections in September stood at 2.5bn litres, which was in line with last year. However, for the first nine months of 2020 (Jan-Sep), German milk production stands at a cumulative 23.9bn litres, which is 0.7%, or 160m litres, ahead of the same period last year.

Australia – milk supply growth eases

September milk collections in Australia stood at 860m litres, which is in line with the same month last year. For July and August, Australian milk production had been growing at a rate of 3% to 4%. Last season, Australia produced less than 8.8bn litres of milk.

Argentina – forecast wheat supply downgraded

Grain market analysts have downgraded their estimates for Argentinian wheat production this year. Market watchers expect wheat production in Argentina to be under 17m tonnes this year, which is down from the previous forecast of 18m tonnes of wheat.

USA – maize production forecast lower

The latest supply and demand report from the USDA has downgraded its forecast for maize (corn) production in the US this year to 368m tonnes. The USDA reduced its forecast for US maize production this year due to weaker than expected yields and increased grain exports.