• 1. The TV show that always makes me laugh is… Father Ted.
  • 2. The song that makes me dance is…Does Your Mother Know by ABBA.
  • 3. The book that I could not bear to part with is… The Spinning Heart by Donal Ryan.
  • 4. The film I could watch time and again is… Not a film, but the 1995 BBC series of Pride and Prejudice.
  • 5. The quote that lifts me up is… Currently it's "If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere" from Seamus Heaney.
  • 6. The meal that brings me comfort is… Shepherd's pie.
  • 7. The treat I can’t resist is… Tea and cake - on an almost daily basis - during the pandemic!
    • 8. The person that inspires me is… My daughter Kate.
    • 9. The place I can go to get away from it all is… Any of the fields on the highest points of our farm for a "get away from it all, yet survey everything" feeling.

    • 10. The thing I’m most looking forward to post-pandemic is… A bookshop shopping spree, followed by a two-hour read in a nice coffee shop.
    • Till the Cows Come Home by Lorna Sixsmith is available in all good bookshops.

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