IFA calls for Garda unit dedicated to rural crime
Noel Bardon
The IFA's call for a dedicated Garda unit focused on rural crime comes after the latest spate of GPS thefts.
26 June 2024 News
Support is only a phone call away
A recent seminar for female farmers in West Cork highlighted that on-farm audits support is just a phone call away.
1 May 2024 News
Alice Doyle appointed to Teagasc authority
Deputy president of the IFA Alice Doyle has taken over Brian Rushe's role at the Teagasc authority.
CAP 'too focused' on environmental sustainability
The most environmentally sustainable business cannot survive in the medium term if it is not profitable, Doyle maintained.
24 April 2024 News
Reassess means testing for Farm Assist and Rural Social Scheme - IFA
The IFA has called for a reassessment of the means testing requirement to ensure a fairer approach for access to the Farm Assist and Rural Social Scheme.
17 April 2024 News
Urgent meeting sought with Minister for Justice over farm crime
During a meeting this week farmers spoke of crimes ranging from threats, illegal hunting, trespassing, burglary to thefts of machinery, tools and high-value GPS systems.
23 March 2024 News
Farmers need support as weather conditions persist - IFA
The IFA asks the Department and banks to consider the stress that the weather is placing on farmers and encouraged anyone feeling isolated to seek support.
15 March 2024 News
Public meeting to be held over €100,000 worth of GPS thefts
Policing and crime in the north Dublin area will be the main topic of discussion at the public meeting, which is organised for 1 March.
8 February 2024 News
ACRES payments delay a ‘shambles’ – Doyle
Deputy president of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) Alice Doyle said farmers whose ACRES payments are delayed still have no idea when they will be paid.
7 February 2024 News