Online Safety Tool

This free online tool lets you generate your own workplace risk assessment and safety statement. It will guide you through the entire risk assessment process using easy-to-follow instructions. On completion you will have a workplace-specific safety statement that can be printed, downloaded and implemented.


The device is attached to the windscreen of a tractor and is plugged into the cigarette lighter. The child wears a ‘trigger’ which can be a wristband or clasp. Once the wearer comes within range of the receiver, the device flashes and emits a warning sound alerting the driver to the presence of a child or vulnerable person. The device is portable, which enables the driver to move it from the tractor to a jeep or digger. The device is universal, meaning visiting children wearing similar ‘triggers’ will be picked up by the device. It is available for suscription at a base price of €20 per month

Face it down

The aim of this app is to stop motorists using their phone when driving. It could be an important safety tool for farmers, who spend a lot of time on the road. You get a point for every kilometre you travel, with rewards available such as a free coffee or discount on insurance available. The app is available for free.

Agri kids Farm Safe Fun

This free app is one to keep the kids busy while also teaching them about the importance of farm safety. There has been a huge increase in accidents involving children. This intuitive app can help raise awareness of safety issues. The app’s motto is to “know when to play and when to stay away”.

Farming from the palm of your hand