The trade for cull cows continues to be solid. At the top of the market, there are some well-muscled continental cows still making over €2.00/kg, with some well-muscled and heavy Belgian Blue cows making close to €2.10/kg in some sales.

However, the average R grade fleshed cow is selling from€1.80/kg to €1.90/kg in the main, with feedlot buyers and factory agents slightly more active in recent days.

Short-keep feeding continental cows are selling mainly from €1.70/kg to €1.85/kg, with feeders active for all good types. Older and plainer continental cull cows are still a variable trade, depending on quality and age.

At many mart sales, older continental cows are selling mainly from €250 to €350 along with the weight, while some better-quality cows are making over €400 along with the weight.

There are still low numbers of Friesian cows coming to the fore, particularly in the south, and demand for these is said to be good if not better than expected. However, the main supply of cull Friesian cows are still to come out in the coming weeks. With grass and ground conditions good, farmers are opting to milk cull cows on to maximise the milk cheques.

The main run of parlour cows are still selling for about the weight to €200 along with the weight for better types.

Where old or crossbred cows are on offer, prices are not as strong and are mainly from €0.60/kg to €0.80/kg. At the top of the market, there are some fleshed Friesian cows making over €1.50/kg, but the number of these on offer is very low.