The European Court of Auditors has called for future spending under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to be based on ambitious and relevant performance targets instead of simply where money is likely to be fully spent.

Some CAP measures have unclear objectives, say the auditors.

Their report, published in Brussels on Monday, highlighted the greening measure introduced in the last CAP reform as an example.

The objective of greening, which was to enhance the CAP’s environmental performance, lacked specific targets for the measure’s contribution to the environment and climate, the auditors reported.

Spending v performance

Objectives should be quantified where possible, not just for outputs, but also for results and impact.

“Agricultural funding may be allocated where it is likely to be fully spent, rather than where it addresses key needs and produces results”, said João Figueiredo, the member of the Court of Auditors responsible for the briefing paper.

“This reflects a culture of spending rather than a culture of performance.”

Living standards

The auditors noted that there is currently no EU statistical system capable of providing information on the living standards of the agricultural community.

The auditors have repeatedly called for such data to be produced to inform policy aimed at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, and for other CAP objectives.

The European Commission’s new delivery model, based on increased flexibility and subsidiarity and giving Member States more responsibility for performance, the Court of Auditors said would need:

  • Measures based on sound scientific and statistical evidence, that will clearly deliver the desired results.
  • Relevant, ambitious and verifiable targets for the new “CAP strategic plans”, aligned with EU objectives.
  • A robust performance monitoring and evaluation framework.
  • A solid accountability and audit chain, providing assurance on both compliance and performance.
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