DEAR SIR: The 2020 Irish general election delivered the best result for the Green Party in their history.

Although the 12 seats they secured make them a relatively marginal political force in Irish politics, in comparison to the three major parties, it seems they will be critical to the formation of a stable government.

The stance the Green Party take on confronting the climate crisis is distinctly hard line and radical. Throughout the campaign, the Green Party called for a sizable reduction in the national herd as an immediate and mandatory response to the climate crisis.

This policy proposal utterly contradicts the widely recognised understanding that Ireland is relatively agriculturally carbon efficient.

While our Government has an urgent obligation to reduce our carbon output, caution must be advised so that we do not permanently damage our economy, enabling other more significant players to continue to disregard all industry regulations and collectively agreed upon standards.

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Coalition talks – the big issues for farming