Rural Rhymes

The Farmer

I know the man upon the hill

rested on his staff so still;

Is he there to see no harm

shall come upon his father’s farm?

A little dog sits by his feet

His tail marks time, the endless beat;

His small brown eyes go left and right

His little lambs are kept in sight

The flock themselves are unaware;

From ram to lamb forever there;

Eternally they chew the grass;

They are the herded, shapeless mass;

The Farmer turns his weary head.

The land for which his fathers bled

Is his, for now, but time will come

To pass the staff onto his son.

– by James Leyden

Picture of the Week

Leo O’Sullivan McCann with his new helper Ray on his parents’ farm in Co Cork. \ Melanie O’Sullivan McCann

Instagram Inspiration

Jennie Ritchie

After 25 years of adventures – from working as a scuba dive instructor to running a restaurant in the Swiss Alps – Jennie Ritchie returned to Ireland with her young family; and shows that home really is where the heart is with her gorgeous Instagram account

Expect cosy interiors featuring her Irish designed textile collection, impromptu picnics and beach brunches, recipes inspired by her travels – like zesty Thai prawn and spinach curry – book recommendations, inspiring monthly “to do” lists and more.

Home Management Tips With Katherine O’Leary

Planning to budget

This is the time of year to consider budgeting. The first task is to understand how much you are actually spending. Record everything you spend for three months. Firstly, get yourself a small notebook for recording. Then save the receipts in a particular place. Cut a hole in a shoebox and post them in. The children can decorate the box. It is always important to include all the family in the exercise. Each weekend, make sense of your receipts. If you leave it longer, you won’t remember. Have a bigger sheet and divide it into categories. Don’t have too many columns as you won’t keep recording.

  • 1 List fixed costs such as rent, electricity, phone etc.
  • 2 Food.
  • 3 Meat and fish.
  • 4 Toiletries and detergents.
  • 5 School supplies.
  • 6 Car and travel.
  • 7 Gifts.
  • 8 DIY and repairs.
  • 9 Miscellaneous items – try not to put too much into this column.
  • Quote of the Week

    From our cover interviewee Jenny Fahy on self-acceptance, healthy relationships, boundaries and consent

    I always say to people: ‘Look, this is the body you’ve been born with and you’re going to be living in it all your life – you might as well get comfortable with it and get to know its needs.’

    Tweet of the Week

    Number of the Week

    10 – The number of tips outlined in our health pages to help cope with acne.

    Read more

    A Week in the Country

    A Week in the Country