The Climate Action Plan focuses on research, new technologies and trusted technologies to reduce methane emissions.

The plan says animal breeding research will be accelerated, mentioning the need for higher-EBI cows, research funding and data assimilation to contribute to the breeding of beef animals which are lower emitters of methane.

Feed additives are a big focus of the plan for agriculture. Feed additives will continue to be tested under Irish conditions to find the most suitable technologies which reduce methane, but also adhere to animal welfare and food safety standards.

The plan also outlines the need for further research on the development of feed additives to reduce biogenic methane when animals are at grass. This could play a large role in the Irish dairy sector.

While many Irish farmers already pay huge attention to breeding and early slaughter of animals, the challenge will be to get farmers who are not focused on these practices to make the switch.

Other measures such as greater uptake of clover and possibly multispecies swards can also help to reduce methane at grass, while reducing fertiliser use.

Improved animal health and a focus on generating carbon footprints for individual farms will also be a help.