US – quality of winter wheat falls

The USDA has cut its quality ratings for winter wheat crops in a number of key states in the US wheat belt. The USDA cut its ratings for the quality of the winter wheat crops in Kansas to 37% as good or excellent, while it also reduced its ratings for winter wheat crops in Oklahoma and Texas.

Australia – milk production rises strongly

January milk production in Australia stood at 762m litres, which is an increase of more than 3% on the same month last year. The increase in January milk supply is the first time in four months that Australian milk production has been positive.

Netherlands – milk supply falls in January

Dutch milk production for the month of January stood at just over 1.1bn litres, which is down more than 1% on the same month last year. The fall in milk supply has been blamed on the spell of cold weather that hit most of Europe in the early weeks of 2021.

Brazil – beef exports fall again

Brazilian beef exports for the month of March stood at just over 102,000t, which is down 8% on the same month last year. This is the third consecutive month that Brazilian beef export volumes have declined following nine consecutive months of export growth.