Ireland – May milk production hits new record

Irish milk production for May hit a new record. According to figures from Eurostat, Irish milk production for May stood at just over 1.1bn litres – up 3.5% on the same month last year. This brings Irish milk production for the first five months of 2020 to 3.3bn litres, which is 4% ahead of last year.

Brazil – beef exports soar for June

Brazilian beef exports for June stood at just under 152,500t, which is up a massive 37%, or 41,000t, on the same month last year. This brings Brazilian beef exports for the first six months of 2020 to a cumulative 777,425t, which is 14% ahead of last year and a new half-year record.

US – beef exports fall sharply in May

US beef exports fell sharply for the month of May after a number of processing sites were closed due to outbreaks of COVID-19 among staff at different meat plants. US beef exports for May stood at just over 62,100t, which is down 31% on the same month last year.

Australia – beef exports fall slightly in June

Australian beef exports for June stood at just under 96,500t, which was down almost 4% on the same month last year. For the first six months of 2020, Australia has exported a cumulative 553,680t of beef to world markets, which is down almost 3% year on year.