Market Digest: stories from around the world
Phelim O'Neill
Brief news snippets from Russia, Australia, Brazil and USA.
22 May 2024 World
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Uruguay, United States, UK and New Zealand.
8 May 2024 News
US beef price hits factory margins
Farmers in the US are on the crest of a beef price wave, but it is being felt on factories' bottom line.
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Russia, Canada, Colombia and Australia.
1 May 2024 World
Jump in US beef imports forecast for 2024
United States Department of Agriculture revises beef import forecast upwards as production in the US declines. Phelim O'Neill reports.
26 April 2024 News
US cattle herd at lowest level since 1951
Two years of severe drought across much of the US has severely hit livestock numbers, with inflated fodder prices and a shortage of grazing forcing ranchers to offload stock.
11 February 2024 News
Beef Trends: quotes steady as kill remains high
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest factory quotes for finished animals.
7 February 2024 Markets
Cattle prices hit US factory profits
Factory beef prices are soaring in the US, but it is driven by scarcity of cattle supply, not market strength.
7 February 2024 News