Australia – live cattle exports remain steady

For the month of September, live cattle exports from Australia to neighbouring markets stood at just under 78,000 head, which is in line with August live exports. Australian live cattle exports peaked at over 120,000 head for the month of June, with Indonesia the largest market.

Netherlands – September milk supply steady

Milk production in the Netherlands for the month of September stood at just over 1bn litres, which is steady compared with the same month last year. This brings Dutch milk production for the first nine months of 2020 to a cumulative 10.2bn litres, which is 1.6% ahead of last year.

Brazil – beef exports on track for new record

Brazilian beef exports so far this month are on track to set a new all-time record for a single month. For the first 11 days of October, Brazil exported over 90,000t of beef. If this export pace continues for the rest of October, Brazil beef exports could hit close to a record 175,000t for a single month.

Canada – wheat harvest up strongly on last year

Canada’s wheat harvest for 2020 is estimated to hit 34m tonnes for 2020, which is up almost 6% year on year. The increase is driven by increased production of winter and durum wheat, which more than offset a 0.5m tonne drop in Canadian production of spring wheat.