Pregnancy scanning in the Tullamore Farm ewe flock was carried out on Monday and revealed positive performance, with an overall scanning rate of 2.07 lambs across 134 mature ewes, 40 hoggets and 15 ewe lambs joined to rams.

There were 54 of the 134 mature ewes scanned carrying three lambs.

Leaving aside ewe lambs, the average litter size was 2.18 lambs per ewe joined, slightly ahead of last year’s levels. Analysis across the groups shows significant variation.

The 134 ewes were scanned, with 62 twin-bearing ewes, 54 triplet, 10 single and two barren ewes, which gives an average litter size of 2.3 lambs per ewe joined and an in-lamb rate of 2.33 lambs. The batch of 40 hogget ewes recorded 27 twin-bearing ewes, eight carrying a single lamb, three triplets and two barren hoggets.

This gives an average litter size per ewe joined of 1.78 lambs and an in-lamb rate of 1.87 lambs. Both these ewe groups were joined with rams for a six-week breeding period.

The group of 15 ewe lambs were joined for just 14 days with the aim of retaining a tight lambing spread and freeing up labour for other enterprises on the farm.

Ten of the 15 ewe lambs were in-lamb after a 14-day breeding period.

There were 10 out of the 15 ewe lambs scanned in-lamb, with seven carrying a single lamb and three sets of twins. This gives an average litter size of 0.87 lambs per ewe lamb joined and an in-lamb rate of 1.3 lambs per ewe.

Ewes have been separated for targeted treatment. Triplet-bearing ewes will be housed first while mature ewes and the batch of ewe hoggets may receive silage supplementation outdoors in the short term while ground conditions remain positive.