Food: how to get enough iron in pregnancy
In this week’s Home Nurse, Nessa Robins focuses on recipes rich in iron for mums-to-be.
10 July 2024 Health
Health: healing after birth - why a physio check matters
Your body changes a lot during pregnancy, so it’s important to have a check-up with a chartered physiotherapist after birth to avoid problems like incontinence or prolapse, writes Margaret Hawkins.
3 July 2024 Health
Health: COVID-19 summer surge
COVID-19 cases are on the rise week-by-week. It’s important to safeguard ourselves as best we can during this wave, writes Margaret Hawkins.
Keeping pregnant ewe lambs ticking along nicely
Research has shown that for pregnant ewe lambs to have the best chance of rearing a lamb, they should be gaining in the region of 80g liveweight during early and mid-pregnancy.
3 February 2024 Management
Scanning time for autumn-calving herds
Suckler farmers running autumn-calving herds should be giving thought to pregnancy scanning.
30 January 2024 Management