If you are planning a poultry development, there are a number of factors to consider.

Stocking densities vary depending on which enterprise the business is interested in (broilers, free-range ducks etc), but from an environmental protection point of view, this article outlines the various parameters for county councils and the Environmental Protection Agency.

These organisations will be investigating and the likely impact the proposed development will have on the entire area and all habitats, plants and species which inhabit it.

The list of environmental issues pertaining to obtaining approval for a proposed poultry unit/farm are:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) required for developments over 40,000 birds.
  • Sub-threshold development may also require EIAR in defined circumstances. Where developments are in close proximity to existing poultry units, cumulative impact may need to be assessed.
  • Proposed new poultry development and its proximity to sensitive receptors which include:
  • i) Human – dwellings, schools, churches, areas of public assembly, water sources.

    ii) Environment – watercourses, Natura 2000 Sites (SAC, SPA), other protected areas NHA etc.

    iii) Cultural/heritage – archaeological features, landscape, visual etc.

  • Management of organic fertilisers – soiled water and litter (nutrient loadings, separation of clean / soiled waters etc.)
  • Traffic management.
  • Some specific issues coming to a head at the moment include odour impacts at sensitive dwellings, gaseous emissions (which include ammonia and nitrogen), impact on sensitive natura 2000 sites and the transport and management of poultry manure from poultry dense areas.